Friday, March 30, 2012

Exploring Surface Area in Prisms & Pyramids

Click on the following link to explore the relationship between dimensions, surface area, and volume.  Fill out the worksheet and turn in.

INTERACTIVATE:  Surface Area & Volume

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20

March 20
Today in class we...
1.  Discussed section problems 10.7
2.  Notes and examples 10.8


Test Chapter 10 Friday.

March 19

Today in class we....
1.  Discussed section problems 10.6
2.  Notes and examples 10.7

Assignment :  Section 10.7:  3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20

Test on Friday.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 15

Today we...
1.  Turned in Circle Arcs and Angles worksheet
2.  Discussed notes 10.6.

Assignment:  Pg 482:  4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14 - More 10.5 practice

What did we do today?
1.  We went over the assignment from yesterday.
2.  Practice worksheet over circles, angles and arcs

Finish worksheet on circles, angles, and arcs

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13 - 10.5

We took a quiz over 10.1-10.4 on Monday, March 12.  I have graded them and updated grades in Infinite Campus.

We are going to continue to press through chapter 10 Circles.  There is a lot of material to memorize in chapter 10 so I encourage you to study the theorems and definitions daily. 

Tuesday, March 13
Learner Objectives:
  • determine the measures of various angles and arcs in a circle.
Today we...
1.  Notes and Examples 10.5

1.  Finish 10.5 Packet page
2.  Pg 474 478:   7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8

Today we discussed section problems 10.4 

Tomorrow we will review for quiz 10.1-10.4

QUIZ 10.1 - 10.4 Monday, March 12

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6 -10.4

Tuesday, March 6

Learner outcome:  I can solve problems involving tangents and circles
What did we do today?
1.  Notes and examples 10.4

a.  Define words for 10.4 in student packet
b.  Pg 463:  1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 16

Quiz 10.1 - 10.4 Thursday, March 8 or Friday, March 9 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1 - 10.3

Thursday,  March, 1

Learner Objective:
  • I can solve problems involving chords, arcs, and central angles
Today we....
1.  Notes on 10.3
2.  Worked on Section 10.3 problems

pg  454 - 457: 1 - 4, 9(a,d), 10(a,b), 11, 12

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29 - Chapter 10

Today in class we....
1.  discussed section problems 10.2
2.  introduced 10.3

Students are to read section 10.3 and fill out the packet (complete the vocabulary words)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28 - Chapter 10

Check out the wiki for EXTRA CREDIT!
Look for the document titled "Oops! Glass Top" on our class WIKI in Chapter 10.  You will have to click the DOWNLOAD tab.  It will download the Extra Credit as a word document.

Complete and turn in by FRIDAY, March 2 for extra credit

Learner Outcomes:  I can apply the relationship between congruent chords of a circle
What did we do today?
1.  Discuss 10.1 section problems
2.  Notes 10.2

Assignment:  Pg 447:  2, 6, 11- 13

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27 - Chapter 10 Intro

It's time for CHAPTER 10 Circles!  You will find the notes and examples on the class wiki.  Be sure to check it out.


Learner Outcomes: 
  • I can identify the characteristics of circles.
  • I can recognize chords and diameters of circles
  • I can recognize special relationships between radii and chords.
What did we do today?
1.  Hand out 10.1 -10.4 packet (on wiki if you lose it)
2.  Introduce Chapter 10.
3.  Notes and examples 10.1

Assignment:  Pg 443:   5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 17

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23 - Law of Cosines

Learner Outcome:  I can use the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines to solve oblique triangles
What did we do today? 
1.  Notes and examples on Law of Cosines
2.  Practice problem worksheet distributed (due Friday, end of class)

Assignment:  The Law of Sines and Cosine problem packet is due Friday at end of class.  Students will have Friday, in class, to work on it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22 - Catching up

Good afternoon!  Yesterday we finished our Chapter 9 test and today we started back up with Trigonometry again.  We will continue to work with Trig until Friday, then begin Chapter 10 Circles.

Today in class we reviewed the Law of Sines and tomorrow we will learn about the Law of Cosines.  I didnt update the wiki with the review, but will put tomorrow's notes and examples on there. 

Today's Learner Outcome:  I can use the Law of Sines to solve for oblique triangles
What did we do today? Our class period was shortened due to an extended testing homeroom.  We reviewed the previous examples from Law of Sines and worked a few more
Assignment:  None.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16

Thursday, February 16

Learner outcome:  I can solve right triangles using Pythagorean Theorem, Altitude on Hypotenuse, Special Right triangles, and Pythagorean triples

Today in class we....finished our review for chapter 9


Chapter 9 Test 2 Friday, February 17

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15

Chapter 9 Test on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17th

We are going to take a break from our trigonometry studies and begin preparing for Friday's test.  The test will consist of 10 multiple choice, 6 short answer, and 1 constructed response.  We will return to Trig next week and have a 'mini' test on that material when we are done.

Learner outcome:  I can solve right triangles using Pythagorean Theorem, Altitude on Hypotenuse, Special Right triangles, and Pythagorean triples

Today in class we....began our review for chapter 9

Assignment...Finish review sheet. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14

Tuesday, February 14th

Whew!  We had a pretty heavy "content" day today.  And it looks like another one is going to happen tomorrow.  We finished up solving problems using the trig functions and introduced the Law of Sines.  Tomorrow we will finish Law of Sines and also learn Law of Cosines.  The students need to begin reviewing for Chapter 9 test.  It is going to be given on Friday, February 17th.

Learner Outcome:
a.  Use the Law of Sines to solve oblique triangles

What did we do today?  *The notes and problems worked can be found on the CLASS WIKI
1.  Discuss homework problems from Trig Worksheet.
2.  Notes part 1 Law of Sines

We didnt get far enough on the Law of Sines to have homework....HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13

Monday, February 13

This week we will continue to study trigonometry and right triangles and begin preparing for Chapter 9 exam (tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 17th).

For Extra Credit ~ Try this ~ GOLDEN CROWN  Due Thursday, February 16th.  Print out and turn in. 

Learner Outcomes 2/13/12:
Use the trig functions to solve problems

What did we do today?:
1.  Examples:  9.10  Trig functions to solve word problems

Homework Assignment:
Rest of worksheet problems:  4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10

Friday, February 10

Learner Outcome:
Use the trig functions to solve problems

What did we do today?
1.  Discuss Homework
2.  Examples problems part 1 from 9.10

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9 - Trigonometry Begins

Thursday, February 9

Today we will begin the Trigonometry!  It was one of my favorite subjects in high school.  I anticipate spending 4-5 days on Section 9.9-9.10.  If the weather cooperates, we can even go outside to experience a real world application of trigonometry.

Learner Outcomes:

Understand the three basic trigonometric relationships

What did we do today?
1.  Pythagorean Theorem and Video Game design video
2.  Discuss Section 9.8 homework problems
3.  Notes and examples  9.9:  Intro to trig functions

Homework assignment  Pg 420-421:  5, 7, 8, 12, 13

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8

Learner Outcomes:
  • I can solve triangles 3 dimensional figures
What did we do today?
Today we took notes and worked examples from our book Section 9.8 

Homework Assignment:
Pg 415:  4-5

All notes are located on our class wiki

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3

Learner Outcomes:
  • I can solve triangles using 45-45-90 and 30-60-90
What did we do today?
Today we went over the problems in our book Section 9.7 that covered special right triangles. 

Homework Assignment:
None :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2

Thursday, February 2

New to the blog ----->  THE CLASS WIKI.  Here you will find the notes, examples, and problems worked in class.  Just click on the link located on the right of this page.  Or type in the following web address

Learner Outcomes:
  • I can solve triangles using 45-45-90 and 30-60-90
What did we do today?
Today we went over the rest of the problems in our note packet that covered special right triangles.

Homework Assignment:
Pg 408 - 11:  5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 31

Today's assignment:  Complete the simplifying radical worksheet.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26

Extra Credit:

Turn this in by Monday, January 30 and receive 10 extra credit points.

Test Friday, January 27

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25

Right triangles used in architecture

Extra Credit:

Turn this in by Monday, January 30 and receive 10 extra credit points.

Today In Class:
1.  Discuss Section Problems 9.5 Distance Formula

Pg 429:  1(c,d), 4, 6, 7, 11, 24, 25, 28, 29  **17 & 27 are great problems to know how to do but are not "assigned"

Important Upcoming Dates:
  • Friday, January 27 - Test 9.1 - 9.5

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 24

Extra Credit:

Turn this in by Monday, January 30 and receive 10 extra credit points.

Today In Class:
1.  Notes and Examples 9.5 Distance Formula
2.  Finish Round Robin Pythagorean Theorem application problems

Pg 394:  3, 4, 6, 7

Important Upcoming Dates:
  • Friday, January 27 - Test 9.1 - 9.5

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 23

Monday, January 23

Welcome to the Advanced Geometry blog.  This is where you will find assignments posted, what we covered in class, and important upcoming dates.   I also plan on posting links to helpful websites and some extra credit opportunities. 

Extra Credit:

Turn this in by Monday, January 30 and receive 10 extra credit points.

Today In Class:
1.  Discuss problems from book 9.4
2.  Group Round Robin:  Solving application problems using Pythagorean Theorem

1.  Read and fill out 9.5 Notes.

Important Upcoming Dates:
  • Friday, January 27 - Test 9.1 - 9.5