Friday, February 10, 2012

February 10

Friday, February 10

Learner Outcome:
Use the trig functions to solve problems

What did we do today?
1.  Discuss Homework
2.  Examples problems part 1 from 9.10

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9 - Trigonometry Begins

Thursday, February 9

Today we will begin the Trigonometry!  It was one of my favorite subjects in high school.  I anticipate spending 4-5 days on Section 9.9-9.10.  If the weather cooperates, we can even go outside to experience a real world application of trigonometry.

Learner Outcomes:

Understand the three basic trigonometric relationships

What did we do today?
1.  Pythagorean Theorem and Video Game design video
2.  Discuss Section 9.8 homework problems
3.  Notes and examples  9.9:  Intro to trig functions

Homework assignment  Pg 420-421:  5, 7, 8, 12, 13

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8

Learner Outcomes:
  • I can solve triangles 3 dimensional figures
What did we do today?
Today we took notes and worked examples from our book Section 9.8 

Homework Assignment:
Pg 415:  4-5

All notes are located on our class wiki